5 Cyber Security Tips for Your Small Business

Did you know that 43% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses? This alarming statistic raises the question of how we can protect our digital empires. If you’re seeking answers, look no further. In this article, we have gathered five crucial cyber security tips to assist you in safeguarding your small business from cyber threats. Delve into these tips and learn how to fortify your business information, online presence, and overall company cyber security like a seasoned professional.

1. Develop a Strong Cyber Security Strategy

A well-crafted cyber security strategy serves as the foundation of any effective defense plan. Begin by assessing your business’s unique needs and vulnerabilities, and create a comprehensive strategy that encompasses the following:

Regular security audits

Employee training and awareness initiatives

Incident response protocols

Backup and recovery procedures

Remember, an effective company cyber security strategy must adapt to new threats and technological advancements. Regularly review and update your plan to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.

2. Educate Your Staff

Your employees are your initial line of defense against cyber attacks. Invest in regular employee training sessions to protect your business information. These training sessions should cover important topics such as:

Identification of phishing emails and scams

Creation of strong, unique passwords

Secure handling of sensitive data

Reporting of suspected security incidents

An informed and vigilant workforce is essential for maintaining your company’s cyber security.

3. Keep Your Software Up to Date

Outdated software poses a significant risk to your online information. To safeguard your digital assets, ensure that all software, including operating systems, applications, and antivirus programs, is regularly updated. Enable automatic updates whenever possible to guarantee protection against the latest threats.

4. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication

Relying solely on passwords is no longer sufficient to protect sensitive information. Strengthen your defenses with multi-factor authentication (MFA), which requires users to provide two or more forms of identification during login. Common MFA methods include:

Text message codes

Biometric data (fingerprint or facial recognition)

Hardware tokens

MFA is a powerful tool that significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access to your critical data.

5. Regularly Back Up Your Data

Data loss can be devastating for a small business. Prepare for the worst by regularly backing up all critical information. Adhere to the 3-2-1 rule:

Maintain at least three copies of your data

Store two copies on different storage media

Keep one copy offsite or in the cloud

With regular backups, you can swiftly recover from cyber attacks or other catastrophic events that may jeopardize your business.

Securing Your Digital Future: Key Cyber Security Tips for Small Businesses

Protecting Your Digital Future: Essential Cyber Security Tips for Small Businesses

In today’s digital landscape, cyber security is not a luxury but a necessity. By following these cyber security tips, you will be well-equipped to safeguard your small business from the ever-evolving realm of cyber threats.

Remember, the key to a secure business lies in adopting a proactive approach to cyber security, fostering a knowledgeable workforce, and diligently maintaining your digital assets. Now, fortify your digital empire and thrive in the modern world of commerce. Reach out to us today if you need assistance and guidance on your journey.

Voice and Data

4 Distinct Advantages of Using a Virtual Desktop Service

There’s a reason why the job outlook for IT system managers is expected to increase by roughly 16% over the next decade. We rely on these professionals to help companies implement new applications and updates.

Unfortunately, this job is hard for IT managers when they need to do this manually on each device. So what’s the solution? The answer lies in virtual desktop services.

If you want to learn more about this concept and the advantages that come with it, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll be teaching you everything you need to know.

What Is a Virtual Desktop Service?

Typically when an IT professional needs to install an update or new application, it falls on the employee to use the device to complete the action.

Not only does this take a while (everyone installs things at different rates), but it also becomes a security problem if someone is working with outdated software.

Virtual desktops allow IT professionals to access an employee’s desktop through a digital cloud infrastructure. This gives a company much greater control over its employee’s hardware.

Benefit #1: More Flexibility

Companies are constantly bringing on or laying off employees. A virtual desktop provides a lot more flexibility when doing both.

For example, if you hire employees for a remote workplace, you can easily grant them access and install the right applications safely. Or, if you’re laying people off, then you can revoke access through the cloud.

Benefit #2: Improved Productivity

Let’s say there’s a new app that requires patching. Without a virtual desktop, there will be a lot of employee downtime while IT rushes to fix every computer.

With desktop virtualization, the team can either install or update them immediately for every employee. This results in a more productive work environment.

Benefit #3: Fewer Security Risks

Did you know that over the past five years, companies have lost over $18.7 billion to cybercrime? One of the reasons for this is outdated software that’s easy for hackers to infiltrate.

The desktop management service ensures that everyone is on the same page in terms of updated apps. This, in turn, presents fewer security risks.

Benefit #4: Simplified IT Management

With a virtual desktop service, you’re essentially centralizing your IT team. This makes IT management much easier for support issues.

The ability to help someone remotely and deal with mass problems streamlines the management process. That means no more waiting in long queues to deal with individual problems on your computer.

Looking for a Virtual Desktop Service? Contact Voice and Data, Inc.

We hope this guide helped you learn more about the benefits of using a virtual desktop service. As you can see, this service results in a more efficient and streamlined IT department.

But how do you find a quality provider? Look no further than Voice and Data, Inc. In addition to virtual desktops, we offer a variety of helpful cloud services. Have any questions about them?

Contact us today, and we’ll do our best to answer any inquiries you have about our various services.

The Top 4 Reasons to Choose VoIP / UCaaS (unified communication as a service) for your Business.

  1. Cost Savings: One of the primary reasons businesses choose VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) or UCaaS (Unified Communication as a Service) is the potential for cost savings. Traditional phone systems often come with high setup costs, hardware expenses, and long-distance call charges. In contrast, VoIP and UCaaS solutions leverage the internet to transmit voice and data, eliminating the need for expensive infrastructure. Additionally, long-distance and international calls are often significantly cheaper or even included in the service plan. By switching to VoIP or UCaaS, businesses can enjoy cost savings on phone bills and infrastructure expenses.
  2. Scalability and Flexibility: VoIP and UCaaS offer unparalleled scalability and flexibility compared to traditional phone systems. With VoIP, adding new lines or extensions to accommodate a growing workforce is straightforward and cost-effective. Businesses can easily scale their communication system up or down as needed, making it ideal for seasonal businesses or those experiencing rapid growth. Furthermore, VoIP and UCaaS services provide flexible options for remote work and mobile connectivity. Employees can use their smartphones or computers to make and receive calls from anywhere with an internet connection, enabling greater mobility and productivity.
  3. Rich Communication Features: VoIP and UCaaS solutions offer a wide range of advanced communication features that enhance collaboration and efficiency within a business. These features often include voicemail-to-email transcription, call forwarding, call recording, video conferencing, instant messaging, presence indicators, and integration with other business applications such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems. These features enable employees to communicate seamlessly across different channels, access information more efficiently, and collaborate effectively, ultimately improving overall productivity and customer service.
  4. Business Continuity and Reliability: VoIP and UCaaS systems provide robust business continuity and disaster recovery capabilities. Unlike traditional phone systems that are vulnerable to physical infrastructure failures, VoIP and UCaaS services are typically cloud-based, meaning they are hosted in secure data centers with redundant systems. This setup ensures high availability and reliability of communication services, even during power outages or other unexpected events. In the event of a disaster or disruption, calls can be easily rerouted to alternative devices or locations, ensuring minimal downtime and uninterrupted business operations.

Overall, VoIP and UCaaS offer numerous benefits, including cost savings, scalability, flexibility, advanced communication features, and enhanced reliability. These advantages make them an attractive choice for businesses seeking to optimize their communication systems and embrace modern, efficient solutions.

Click here to contact us.

The Benefits of Colocation Services:

Did you realize that utilizing colocation services can be a valuable asset to your business, both in terms of time and finances? Running a business involves juggling a multitude of elements, and technology plays a crucial role in the mix, only adding to the complexity. However, by leveraging professional colocation services, the benefits are numerous. Read on to find out more.


Building a data center can be a significant financial burden. From securing the space to buying the necessary equipment, it requires a large investment. But there is a more budget-friendly alternative for your company’s IT requirements. Utilizing a colocation service lets you rent space in a professional data center where you can securely store all of your IT equipment.

Additionally, many colocation providers offer top-notch IT support, giving you peace of mind in case of any unexpected situations. Not only does this give you a dependable place to store your equipment, but you also have access to expert assistance when you need it.

The biggest advantage of colocation services is that your business can reap these benefits at a fraction of the cost of building and maintaining a private data center.


Security of the data center is a top priority in colocation services. Service providers comprehend the immense value of your data, which is why they implement round-the-clock power monitoring. In case of any suspicious activity, you’ll be alerted promptly by your data center partner.

The harsh reality is that a security breach can result in a substantial financial loss or even the downfall of your business. Investing in professional services to secure your IT equipment is a wise move.

When considering a colocation data center, location should also be a key factor in your decision. Some businesses prefer to have their equipment close to their headquarters, while others opt for a more remote location for strategic reasons. Choose a data center that is located in the vicinity that suits your needs.


Colocation service data centers offer a budget-friendly option to store your equipment, with top-notch security and superior network performance.

Your equipment will operate at optimal levels in a professional data center environment, as colocation services have backup network connections in place to ensure seamless operation. Being the technology hub for multiple businesses, network performance is a top priority for colocation centers.

Establishing network connectivity can be a costly endeavor, putting a strain on a company’s finances. However, a colocation service can provide superior connectivity at a more cost-effective price point, compared to a private data center.

Explore Colocation Services Today

At Voice and Data, safeguarding our clients’ data is our daily commitment. Our team recognizes the significance of data security and provides round-the-clock support to ensure peace of mind for our clients.

We aim to provide businesses with enterprise-level solutions that meet their unique needs. Customer care lies at the core of our business, and all of our support services come complimentary with your plan.

Our mission at Voice and Data is to offer affordable solutions that offer businesses the reassurance they need. To gain a deeper understanding of our colocation services, we welcome you to connect with a member of our team.

How to avoid mistakes in Data Management.

Data management is no doubt one of the most important parts of a modern business. Here are some tips that can help businesses avoid mistakes and improve their data management practices:

  1. Create a data governance policy: This policy should outline the roles and responsibilities of different teams and individuals in managing and accessing data, as well as the standards and protocols for data storage, security, and privacy.
  2. Invest in the right tools and technologies: There are various software and systems available to help businesses manage and analyze their data, such as data warehouses, business intelligence platforms, and data visualization tools. It’s important to choose the right tools based on the needs and resources of your business.
  3. Implement robust data backup and recovery processes: Data loss can be devastating for any business, so it’s essential to have a plan in place to protect your data and recover it in the event of a disaster or data breach. This could include regular backups, disaster recovery plans, and data security measures.
  4. Ensure data accuracy and completeness: It’s important to regularly review and clean your data to ensure it is accurate and complete, as well as remove any duplicate or unnecessary records. This will help you make more informed decisions based on reliable data.
  5. Train employees on data management best practices: Ensuring that all employees are aware of and follow proper data management protocols is crucial for the success of your data management efforts. This may include training on how to handle sensitive data, how to use data management tools, and how to contribute to data governance efforts.

Contact us to review, identify, and implement solutions geared to bring you closer to your customers.

Remote Computing 101: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Remote computing refers to the ability to access and use a computer or other devices remotely over a network connection. This can be done from any location with an internet connection, allowing users to access their work files and applications from any device, including their personal laptop or smartphone.

Remote Access Computing offers many Pros and maybe a few Cons to consider…


  • Increased flexibility: Remote computer access allows users to access their work files and applications from any location with an internet connection, which can be especially useful for those who prefer to work outside of a traditional office setting.
  • Improved collaboration: Remote computer access allows team members to collaborate in real-time, regardless of their location. This can be especially useful for distributed teams.
  • Increased productivity: Remote workers are often more productive than their office-based counterparts, as they often have fewer distractions and are able to work in an environment that is more conducive to productivity.
  • Cost savings: Remote computer access can help reduce the costs associated with maintaining an office, such as rent, utilities, and maintenance.
  • Access to a wider pool of talent: Companies can hire employees from anywhere in the world, rather than being limited to local candidates.
  • Increased security: By accessing sensitive data and systems remotely, companies can reduce the risk of data breaches or other security incidents caused by unauthorized access to physical devices.
  • Enhanced disaster recovery: In the event of a natural disaster or other emergency, remote computer access allows employees to continue working from a safe location.
  • Environmental benefits: Remote computer access can help reduce carbon emissions by reducing the need for commuting and office-related energy consumption.


  • Communication challenges: Maintaining consistent communication and collaboration with remote team members can be more difficult than with a co-located team.
  • Internet connectivity: Remote workers may face challenges related to internet connectivity, especially if they are in an area with limited or unreliable internet access.
  • Time zone differences: Working with colleagues in different time zones can be challenging, as it may be difficult to schedule meetings and other important tasks.
  • Professional relationships: Remote workers may have more difficulty building professional relationships with colleagues, as they may not have the opportunity to interact with them in person on a regular basis.
  • Work-life balance: It can be challenging for remote workers to maintain a healthy work-life balance, as the boundaries between work and home may be more blurred.

and Check out the different ways to accomplish your specific Remote Access Computer design

A virtual private network (VPN) is a technology that creates a secure, encrypted connection between a device and a network. When you connect to a VPN, all of your internet traffic is routed through the VPN server, which acts as a secure tunnel between your device and the internet. This can be useful for remote work because it allows you to access your company’s network and resources as if you were on the same physical network.

Remote desktop software is another technology that allows you to access and control a computer remotely. With remote desktop software, you can see and interact with the desktop of a remote computer as if you were sitting in front of it. This can be useful for remote work because it allows you to access your work computer and all of its resources from any location.

Cloud computing platforms, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, are a type of remote computing technology that allows you to access and use computing resources over the internet. With cloud computing, you don’t need to worry about setting up and maintaining physical infrastructure, such as servers and storage devices. Instead, you can access the computing resources you need on demand, paying only for what you use. This can be useful for remote work because it allows you to access the computing resources you need from any location with an internet connection

… and It’s simpler than you might think to implement.

Contact us today to review remote access computing options that could benefit your business.

How Proper Video Surveillance Can Help Your Business

It is essential for all of the over 33 million businesses in the U.S to carefully implement an effective on-site physical security and surveillance system. Threats can come from various sources, and while many businesses prioritize digital security, it is essential not to overlook the importance of on-site security. Both customers and employees can pose potential threats, and video surveillance can help you keep a closer eye on your business. Here are some benefits of installing surveillance cameras:

Loss Prevention

Theft is a common concern for businesses, as it can be perpetrated by customers, intruders, or even employees. Installing on-site security cameras can serve as a deterrent for theft and can help prevent impulsive acts of stealing.

Improved Security

As a business owner, it is important to have control over access to your building, especially if your business works with sensitive materials or data. While multiple layers of access control are necessary for complete security, cameras can help by allowing you to monitor any activity around the building and ensuring that no one is able to approach unnoticed.

Employee Safety

Unfortunately, parking lots can be dangerous places for threats and attacks, especially when the perpetrator is a coworker or spouse. For example, if an employee is going through a difficult divorce, their spouse may know where to find them at the workplace. Installing cameras in the parking lot can deter confrontations by providing a video record of any incidents and can also alert in-house security to intervene if necessary.


Lawsuits involving slip-and-fall injuries are often filed against businesses, and some of these cases may be justified. However, it is not uncommon for such lawsuits to be frivolous, with the goal of securing a quick settlement. In these situations, video surveillance can serve as valuable evidence, potentially providing proof that the incident in question did not occur or did not unfold as described by the plaintiff. By implementing video surveillance as part of your cloud computing services, you may be able to defend yourself against baseless claims and protect your business from financial harm.

Video Surveillance and Your Business

Video surveillance can provide various benefits for businesses, including protection against theft, threats, and attacks, as well as serving as evidence in legal proceedings. Additionally, security cameras can assist with access control for businesses that handle sensitive data. By installing surveillance cameras, businesses can help ensure the safety of their employees and property, as well as potentially mitigate legal risks.

Voice and Data, Inc. specializes in communication, data, and cloud services for small businesses, including surveillance. For more information, contact Voice and Data today.

Unified Communications as a Service: The Complete Guide for Businesses

Your business and UCaaS (Unified Communication as a Service)

The need to properly equip staff with all the tools necessary to bring them closer their customers, is the single most prevalent thread of commonality each Business owner faces today.  With UCaaS offerings a business owner can apply a simple an elegant mechanism for his staff to have one location for all their communication needs. Video and Audio Conferencing | Messaging | Remote/Anywhere Access | Multi-Device Notification and Seamless Device Transition.

With approximately 80 million people working remotely, reliable and flexible communication systems are more important than ever.

What is UCaaS (Unified Communication as a Service)

When most businesses think about communication, they think about it as a set of discrete services. The business uses a phone system, a chat system, and an email system, but they are all through different service providers… And many may require on-site hardware or specific software – Whereas a UCaaS system takes all the complexity out of communications by bundling your communication needs into a single, cloud-based service. 

Essential UCaaS Functions

UCaaS providers typically offer several essential functions for business clients. Some of the more common functions include:

  • Cloud Phone Service
  • SMS/Text
  • Video Conferencing | Audio Conferencing
  • Screen Sharing
  • Messaging

Benefits of UCaaS

UCaaS offers your business several key benefits. Probably the most pertinent in today’s environment would be the need to accommodate remote staff. Rather than requiring remote staff to install several programs offered by multiple providers – Your staff can simply log into one service from one provider. Office and remote workers alike will benefit by creating a one office virtual environment – And as the service is hosted in the Cloud – there is a dramatic reduction of hardware maintenance and IT support requirements.

Choosing a UCaaS Provider

As most UCaaS provide similar feature sets – the true concern and point of careful consideration should be focused on the robust nature of the providers network and the proper customer care capabilities they can offer. We can assist in taking a high and low view of each Carriers capabilities.   

UCaaS and Your Business

Unified communication as a service can serve as an all-in-one solution for all your communication needs. Minimally, it lets you bundle several communication essentials, such as phone, texts, and videoconferencing into a single service.

It supports remote work, simplifies billing, and often proves a more cost-efficient solution than a collection of individual communications offerings.

Voice and Data, Inc. offers UCaaS solutions for businesses. For questions or to get started with UCaaS, contact Voice and Data today.

What to Look For In Data Management Services

In 2021, the worldwide enterprise data management market was estimated to be worth $82.25 billion. This number is expected to continue to grow as more and more businesses learn about the benefits of data management services.

Whether you use PostgreSQL, MySQL, or NoSQL to store data, a database management system (DMBS) may save you time and help to avoid problems. Several considerations might assist you in choosing the best DBMS for your firm..

Are you searching for the best data management service for your company? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’re sharing what to look for when choosing managed data services.

What Is Data Management?

Data management is the discipline of gathering, storing, and utilizing data in a safe, efficient, and cost-effective manner.

The purpose of data management is to aid in optimizing the use of data so that company leaders can make informed decisions that will result in profit.

As firms increasingly rely on intangible assets to produce value, a strong data management strategy is more vital than ever.


If the ideal DBMS is beyond your price range, it may as well not exist. The price possibilities are as diverse as the DBMS alternatives themselves.

Free open-source DBMS products, like many other database systems, are prevalent. In addition, vendors may provide commercial maintenance plans or proprietary licenses based on the open-source component. However, in general, “free” is the beginning point for open-source solutions.

Another frequent pricing strategy is yearly license fees and tiered schemes. Annual prices can range from less than $100 to more than $2,000 per user per year, depending on your choice.


If your business already has a database, you’ll want a solution that will work with it.

Begin with your primary data model, which is almost certainly a relational database (SQL) or a NoSQL database.

Do you use a relational database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL? It is a good idea to use a relational database management system (RDBMS). Otherwise, you’d have to restructure your data and convert it to the NoSQL schema that your new program requires.

If you’re currently utilizing a NoSQL database, the opposite is true. Matching your database structure will save you money.


First, determine if you require a suite of tools or a simpler solution. A fully-managed suite may be overkill if you’re a small company wanting to optimize your database operations.

Where would you like your data and tools to reside? It may not be as vital for some, but individuals who handle sensitive data or have restricted hardware resources may find it critical.

Some firms lack the room or funds to invest in specialized hardware resources. Others have a very mobile staff, which has been more typical in recent years.

A cloud database and DBMS may be the best option for them; renting infrastructure and knowledge may help keep expenses down!

Utilize Data Management Services to Boost Your Business

Data management services are an effective way of securing data and mitigating potential issues. Plenty of others have been where you are, whether you pick a cloud database or a server rack, SQL or MongoDB, Linux or Windows!

Voice and Data, Inc. is a Telecommunications broker committed to giving customers options. We provide a current solution study and analysis, as well as proposal and order coordination, at no cost to the customer.

In addition, we offer a free additional layer of customer support for all pre and post-provisioned services. Contact us to get started today!

4 Benefits of Cloud Services for Business

These days most business applications are provided via the Cloud. The Cloud is versatile, reliable and readily available for use within large global enterprises and small residential users alike. As we have seen rapid adoption take place within all industries; the Cloud has replaced the need for local equipment maintanance and replacement, allowed for new alternatives to brick and mortar offices and connected the world with flexible, scalable and powerfull Cloud computing tools.

We will soon reach the point that 82% of workflows will take place in the cloud. If you’re trying to learn the benefits of the cloud, we have a guide that’ll assist you. 

Here’s what you should know about the benefits of professional cloud services for business. 

1. Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery

Cyberthreats are on the rise, as companies are getting hit by Man in the Middle (MitM) attacks, malware, ransomware, and general mischievous, disruptive viruses – You need cloud infrastructure to help with your disaster recovery plan. 

The cloud is valuable because it creates backups of your systems. Having these consistent backups will help you get your system back online and will help your business maintain continuity. 

2. Cloud Storage for Your Business

Cloud technology is also useful because it offers virtually unlimited storage. Companies use the cloud to store many terabytes of data in all categories. By offloading this data to the cloud you won’t have to overfill hard drives, which are also susceptible to crashing. 

Cloud storage allows for anywhere access to your data.

3. You Can Easily Collaborate

The cloud is an excellent tool to have at your disposal when your business needs to collaborate. Many communication hubs today are connected to the cloud. There are plenty of direct message (DM), chat, and workflow platforms you can use to push projects along. 

This infrastructure is helpful as remote work is sometimes preferable or required when traveling. Many companies today are using cloud voice solutions that are fast, crisp, clear, and seamless. Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has become the most common platform for voice services today. UCaaS (unified communications as a service) use the VoIP platform to provide a complete feature rich communication system designed to employ all available communication tools within one application. This new type of communication has untethered the traditional employee from the physical work environment and ushered in a wave of exciting innovation that allows for a more efficient mode of communicating.

4. Software as a Service (SaaS) Provides Value

Finally, Software as a Service (SaaS) is one of the best developments to come from the cloud. These software platforms are lightweight to your system since you’re not filling up your hard drive. You’ll get up and running with a subscription, and can access your software anywhere, anytime.

About 70% of apps today are cloud-based SaaS. Developers are custom building SaaS for specific industries to help companies do all sorts of heavy lifting. These SaaS apps are easy to update, which also makes them less vulnerable to cyberattacks. 

Invest in Cloud Services for Business

These tips will help you when looking to the Cloud for your business needs. The Cloud is here to stay and can take your company to the next level. 

Voice and Data can assit you to identify the Cloud services your company will most benifit from. Contact us at VoiceandData.com with any questions or give us a call at (888)263-2344.