Switching to VoIP?

If your business is using traditional Telephony. Then opting for Voice over IP (VoIP) may be an alternative you should consider for your business.

Potential lower cost

Many businesses that switch to VoIP reduce their usage cost. Often VoIP provided applications enhance the ability for a business to reduce charges involved with Domestic as well as International dialing. Side by Side analysis of current provider charges against new can offer a clear picture and set proper expectations with regards to what you might expect from making the shift to VoIP for your business.

Conference calling, Call transfer, Moves adds and changes…

The main benefit of VoIP versus Traditional telephony is the feature rich and flexible scalability of most VoIP solutions. Beyond the easy savings potentially provided by usage cost reduction; There is tremendous savings also available with regards to “moves adds and changes” These are the often ignored cost of maintenance and scalability.

Capital Expense to implement..?

There is often a much reduced capital expense involved with implementing these type of systems. If Cloud based the cost can be dramatically reduced or often zeroed out as many providers offer leased based solutions.

Bandwidth Speed Testing recommendations

Testing your internet speed is an essential part of ensuring your network is being provided proper speed and access.  If much of your business depends on your internet connection, it is important to understand that the efficiency of your internet connection can be severely impacted by too many gadgets and applications drawing from the connection.

What You Ought to DO when testing your speed?

  • Ensure that no one is using your internet connection while performing a speed test.
  • Disconnect other network devices from your Wi-Fi and hard-cabled network.
  • Stop the programs that are running in the background.
  • Perform speed tests repeatedly to get an average speed.
  • Perform the speed test at different times of the day.

What You Should Not Do?

  • If possible, do not perform a speed test using your Wi-Fi network because the factors like wireless interference, signal strength and the number of users can make it too unreliable.
  • Avoid using tablet or smartphone apps to perform internet bandwidth speed test,

Following these steps may take a little bit of effort, but with a little patience you can more accurately measure your bandwidth speed.

Test your Speed  Speedtest

Four Ways Cloud Computing can Impact Your Business

Cloud computing is a significant development in the world of information technology. It is often a necessity rather than an option to survive in a competitive market.  Let us examine how businesses are impacted by this technology.

1. Scalability is Unparalleled

The amount of data handled by most businesses can often change exponentially and challenge current network designs. With inadequate scalability this could give rise to difficult and reactionary troubleshooting and network redesigns. Apart from financial losses, it could also translate to lost opportunities and a loss of reputation. Cloud computing addresses the issue very effectively with its unparalleled scalability.

2. Instant and Easy Updates

Large scale software updates have always been a time consuming exercise, particularly in the case of large businesses with centralized information technology centers. Cloud computing today is known for its ability to handle large volume updates easily and efficiently.

3. Significant Savings Potential

Cloud computing effectively brings down operational expenses for businesses while improving resource efficiency and cutting down the cost of staffing and equipment.

When the long term advantages of cloud computing are considered, the initial burden of implementation cost fades away.

4. Greater Flexibility

Cloud computing affords a high degree of flexibility. It enables global access to businesses and individuals and can further share data with any number of users seamlessly. Businesses can also virtually forget about storage issues.

Five Reasons Why Bandwidth is an Important Factor

The world has seen exponential growth in the use of smartphones, tablets and a host of other handheld communication devices.  With multiple devices working within the same home or office, your broadband connection struggles to support all these devices at any given point in time. Without adequate bandwidth, some services could fail too.

Often, we experience problems with websites not loading properly, site functionality being sluggish and so forth. Most of these inconveniences can be attributed to poor bandwidth. Important services being impacted by poor speed can be overwhelming at times.

The entertainment world today has a liberal sprinkling of high-end gadgets and devices such as the iPlayer and Netflix. These will just not come to life unless supported by minimum speed requirements.

Homes and Offices with Guaranteed High Bandwidth can Add Value

Home buyers of the present generation would always look for homes with guaranteed high bandwidth. In turn, this would mean that homes located in regions that assure adequate bandwidth will attract higher prices compared to regions where the service lacks reliability.

Broadband Connections via Fiber Optic Cables

Broadband connections using fiber optic cables experience significantly less attenuation.  In contrast, services that employ traditional copper cables to bring the internet to your door steps suffer from a higher rate of attenuation.  Most ISPs have migrated to fiber optic cables to carry their broadband services. But many users have already experienced the difference because they started off with the traditional copper cable.

In the end, it is not controlled by individual users. It is up to the Internet service provider to ensure that appropriate bandwidth is available for the service provided by him. The respective governments allocate bandwidth, and the ISPs have to compete to get it from the government at competitive prices.

The Choice Between Internet and Intranet

Approximately 1% of the global population was utilizing the internet in 1995. Today users comprise 49% with a steady pace of about 8% annually being added. About 75% of internet users are distributed among just 20 nations, and nearly 180 countries represent the remaining 25%.

Internet / intranet…


The Internet represents a community of various computing devices including desktops, handheld devices, laptops, iPads, and similar gadgets. Users have the ability to connect to one or more of these devices from any part of the world via the internet. The infrastructure enabling the connectivity is widespread, but the single factor that connects everything is the internet. Speed of access is truly dependent not only on Bandwidth but also on the route taken, server capacity, and other factors.


In some sense, the intranet can be considered the father of the internet.  The intranet is merely the restricted version of the internet.  The intranet will provide access only to a chosen group of designated people.

Yahoo and Google were early entrants and gradually they started addressing multiple problems of the intranet to usher in the global internet revolution.  With many of the issues having been addressed by software engineers, many organizations today have switched back to the intranet for exclusive in-house use. Access to modern-day intranets also remains restricted to authorized users.

Are You Getting the Right Internet Speed? – How to Check?

If much of your business depends on your internet connection, then it is likely you are dependent on the right kind of speed to send and receive information related to your business.  With too many gadgets and applications drawing on the connection, your efficiency is impacted. it is therefor important you find an efficient way to properly test the speed and reliability of your connection.

Internet Speed and Pricing

Globally, most internet service providers (ISP) base their pricing to the customer on the speed of the connection. They also base their price on the reliability and uptime guaranteed by the ISP. It is important to note that there may be a huge divide between residential grade services and business grade.

For Best Results from VoiceandData.com/SpeedTest

To get the best results, you should run the voiceanddata.com/speedtest when all other network activities are idle.

Handling Significant Drop in Speed

Although it is important to note that dedicated bandwidth should fall well within close limits to what you have contracted, there is often overhead involved with every connection, so you may find there to be a slight variance. Some platforms of service however may vary greatly based on many municipal and regional infrastructure factors. It is important that your speed is dedicated and offers an SLA (service level agreement.