Three Tips to Reduce Bandwidth while using Video Surveillance

IT managers in an organization are always very careful and strategic about allocation of bandwidth. Most organizations reserve a very small percentage of their bandwidth for video surveillance and slowing down the entire network due to video footage is the last thing any IT manager would want.

Listed below are some expert tips to best alter the video surveillance system and minimize the bandwidth usage.

Set the right resolution for the camera

The higher the resolution, the greater is the bandwidth. Set up cameras with a lower resolution wherever possible. For instance, a small hallway or pathway inside the office can be conveniently monitored using the lowest available resolution. However, the same cannot be said about cameras installed in the parking lot where a large area must be covered through day and night.

Choose h.264 over the more common M-JPEG

The h.264 compression format works better when it comes to storage space and using lesser bandwidth. Unlike the M-JPEG format, h.264 produces a video stream that consists of partial frames and full frames in an alternating pattern and thus allows the consumption of lower bandwidth.

Keep the number of frames per second low

The video surveillance footage from your office space does not have to look or feel like a movie (uses 50 frames in a second) and therefore 5-7 frames per second can fulfill the security requirements of most organizations. Reducing the number of frames brings down the bandwidth by many MBs.

Above all, IT managers must familiarize themselves with the surveillance system and manage configurations to achieve the lowest possible bandwidth rate.

Key Questions for Your Colocation Provider

When choosing a colocation provider – you may wish to ask..

1. How many and where are your data centers located.

The location of the data centers can be a legitimate determining factor when analyzing regional or specific local potential risks. A colocation provider with data centers in multiple locations may also provide additional redundant paths of service and support.

2. Do you provide managed services to complement your colocation services?

While most organizations do not need anything more than space, power and connectivity; A good colocation service provider will offer a whole suite of managed services like server management, backup services and disaster recovery.

3. What kind of security do you provide?

Analyze the physical as well as the virtual security features of the colocation provider. A request for a tour across the center is common and can help ensure the provider has the proper security measures in place.

4. Is the SLA well-defined?

The SLA (Service Level Agreement) defines the quality of service and determines the expectations of the client organization and corresponding offerings.


Key Facts about HIPAA-compliant Cloud Storage

HIPAA Compliance (Health Information Portability and Protection Act of 1996) establishes the importance of privacy over personal health information and health records. Several contemporary cloud service providers guarantee adherence to HIPAA regulations thus making it hard for an organization to sail through the competition and find the right HIPAA compliant cloud provider.

The following facts about HIPAA compliance can help organizations to make a wise choice.

Is your cloud service provider claiming to be HIPAA certified?

The US Department of Health and Human Services does not have any HIPAA certification programs in place and organizations must be aware of cloud service providers that claim to be “HIPAA certified”. Organizations must ensure that the chosen cloud service provider undergoes annual audits. During these audits, the operations of the data center and the entire cloud infrastructure must be measured against OCR HIPAA Audit Protocol.

Have you performed a due diligence?

Before finalizing a cloud service provider and signing on the dotted line, test the HIPAA awareness level of the provider by asking relevant questions. Ensure the provider has all the processes, policies and the technology to be HIPAA compliant. In other words, the cloud service provider must have all the administrative requirements in place while its highest priority continues to be the reporting of PHI breach cases to the relevant parties.

Lastly, remember that breach of HIPAA compliance does not only result in financial penalties and also damages the reputation of the company. Care must be taken to ensure that the chosen cloud service provider has the required processes as well as the people to duly support the HIPAA protocols.

Cyber Security threats

Multiple cases of cyber security threats have made it to the headlines as of late. From financial loss to disruption due to unauthorized release of an organization or even governments private transmittals.

Our new world requires organizations to remain ever vigilant in their efforts to keep their network secure from:

Data breachs

From Yahoo to the DNC many organizations have succumb to the threats of hackers. Organizations now focus on implementing two-factor authentication to add an additional layer of security.

Malware or Malicious software

From corrupting computers and entire networks, the new target of malicious software attacks is the mobile device. It is highly recommended to equip mobile technology in your organization with the essential malware patches to avoid irreversible damage.

Hacking of social media platforms

A few years ago, the official Twitter page of Burger King was hacked and strange tweets were posted. The same has happened to several other popular brands like NBC News, Jeep and so on. Hackers perform such unwarranted actions on the various social media platforms of the brand to deteriorate its image and to send out misinformation to the patrons of the brand.

Business organizations must always be careful about sharing their critical data as even Government agencies have suffered from data breaches and malware attacks.

Colocation services keep your business moving.

There are many reasons and benefits for a business to utilize colocation facilities. An off-site digital presence can be designed to best implement and secure your network architecture, so that your business is ultimately best prepared for disaster, Network overutilization, and WAN support.

What is a Colocation Facility?

A Datacenter that offers equipment, space, bandwidth and 24/7 on-site support for your businesses. These facilities typically provide power, bandwidth, and redundant services.

Reasons why a Business Should consider Colocating:

Service Reliability: The ultimate reason for Collocating is up-time. As it is mission critical for the digital world of any business to remain active and available to it’s customers the ironclad arsenal of Datacenter equipment, space and support, keeps everything moving.

Disaster Preparation: Proper design of your network will allow for any disaster. Hurricane, earthquake, fire… If you are prepared a Colo can house your Data from harms way

Security: Physical on-site security as well as network security guard your Data from all types of potential intrusion. A colocation is to your Data what a bank is to your money.

Colocation services Can be a great way to guarantee your 24/7 business keeps moving.

HIPAA Compliance – What you Need to Know

In this digital era, several industries prefer storing and accessing data online. The medical industry is no exception as healthcare records are now increasingly being stored and maintained in the cloud. This is the reason why the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as HIPAA Compliance, is put into effect to keep such information secure.


HIPAA Compliance was established to keep sensitive personal information confidential and disclosed only when it is required to care for the patient. Such rules also guarantee the rights of patient’s personal information and offer safeguards for health care providers.

Information Subject to HIPAA Compliance:

The health information that are secured as per the HIPAA Compliance rules include details about the patient’s past, present and future physical and mental health condition. Personal details such as demographic information are also included.

What Does HIPAA Compliance Accomplish?

HIPAA Compliance ensures that sensitive information is well secured. Such information will only be passed on to authorized entities whenever it is deemed necessary and is within compliance rules..

How to be Compliant with HIPAA?

There are several standards, safeguards and other regulations that a covered entity must meet in order to be compliant. This is due to the fact that HIPAA Compliance takes into consideration several elements of the work environment and applies strict rules when it comes to security measures.

To add that extra layer of safety to your data, proper HIPAA Compliance is very important. There are many very knowledgeable and thorough third party analyst that can perform audits and provide compliance recommendations for your organization.

Cyber Security Tips to Consider

To keep your business assets protected from emerging online threats, here are some cyber security tips to adopt:

1. Employee rules must be established:

Enforce security policies and practices, secure customer information, and limit Internet surfing via firewall access shaping.

2. Secure your network:

Install antivirus software, Firewall protection, and in some cases there are third party network monitoring services that should be considered.  In addition there should be frequently scheduled after hours complete network scans perfomed.

3. Daily Data back-ups:

In many cases the most secure form of Data back-up is the combination of premise and off premise secure uploads. This allows for a local and cloud based mirror of your Data.

5. Secure your Wi-Fi:

If your workplace has a Wi-Fi network in place, keep it secured, hidden or encrypted. Set up your wireless router accordingly to hide your network and don’t forget to protect it with a multi character password. It is also a good idea to change the access password fairly frequent or as staff changes take place.

Change all your passwords  – fairly frequent.

Add Security with intuitive Video Surveillance Systems

Intuitive Video surveillance systems can dramatically enhance the security of a building. Here’s How:

1. Your safe – check and see…

With the advancements in surveillance technology there are applications available to the business owner that allow for constant contact with your facility. You can view activity at your site by simply logging on to your Smartphone, tablet or computer. Proactive constant  or spot check monitoring can offer peace of mind to any business owner. 

2. Productivity –  check and see…

Video surveillance systems offer the ability for a business owner to also spot check the productivity of the staff. This can be especially important when there may be several projects at multiple sites taking place simultaneously. A business owner can proactively monitor in real time the productivity of his employees.

3. Smart Systems

Many of the new generation surveillance systems can also identify and report certain pre-programed noises or visual occurrences. These systems can assist with determining security concern trends and help in identifying the best strategic placement of your cameras, sensors and staff.

4. Cost Effective:

On-site and off-site security staff can be best utilized when augmented by a team of cameras and sensors linked and tethered in concert to create the perfect net of safety. Surveillance cameras never rest. They work 24/7 to secure your business and provide constant visual and audible contact.

Benefits of Cloud Based Managed Solutions


  • VoIP solutions will provide the greater return on investment in terms of hardware, infrastructure, network, usage, license fees, support and maintenance.
  • Cloud-based VoIP systems offer unique communication features, including incoming call management, interactive voice response, auto attendant, find me, follow me and more.
  • Easily integrates with your existing systems, network and software.
  • Provides flexible work practices; by allowing for easy access to data from anywhere, anytime.
  • Reduces the cost of systems and equipment by utilizing the resources of your cloud computing service provider.
  • Automatic and regular security and software updates.

A cloud based VoIP managed solution  will improve the efficiency of your business.

Flexible VoIP Managed Solutions

The many benefits of VoIP.

Easy to Install

Many VoIP phones are easy to install, configure and maintain even for people with little technical knowledge. Using an efficient online portal, adding or removing users, changing system configurations and general settings can be made easy.

Scaling Made Easy

If you are sticking to traditional phone lines, scaling up or down is extremely difficult and is a costly exercise. This issue can be solved using a VoIP solution.

Varied Call Features

VoIP managed solutions offer many – here are a few…

  • Auto-attendant phone menu
  • Call transfer
  • Conference calling
  • Find me / follow me
  • SalesForce CRM integration
  • Video Conferencing
  • Plug n play anywhere office phones

Unlike other traditional phone systems with dedicated lines, VoIP can offer flexible mobility.