Six Essential IT Network Security Safeguards and Best Practices

According to research, 55% of those in the IT industry claimed to have experienced a cyber-attack of some sort, and 50% had suffered an actual data breach. Under these circumstances, it’s no surprise that IT network security safeguards and IT security best practices have become increasingly important to those within the industry. Considering this fact, understanding the following industry best practices will help increase your company’s security.

IT Security Best Practices:

1. Identify Your Sensitive Data:
Each company will be forced to address handling confidential data, including simple things like ID information, social security numbers, and more. Once you have determined the nature of your sensitive data, you have taken the first steps in protecting it from incursions. Identifying vulnerable data and keeping records on it will serve you well.

2. Focus on Your Employees:
One of the most common originators of sensitive data leaks and security issues are your employees. This fact means that educating employees on security risk is essential. You must implement a security awareness training program to impart the importance of a secure workplace so they can make informed choices. The most common attacks businesses face comes in the form of social engineering and phishing tactics targeting your employees.

3. Protect all Your Computers:
IT journalists have reported cybercriminals that make targets out of businesses that do not have the necessary transaction controls, authentication procedures, and red flag reporting capacities. To avoid these issues, every computer on the premises must have antivirus software, firewalls, and other security programs installed.

4. Social Media Oversight:
Your business cannot be separated entirely from social media. Consequently, you must empower your employees with specific guidelines when using social media. An essential initial step would be something like labeling content confidential and inappropriate for social circulation.

5. Protecting Mobile Devices
With an ever-growing number of sensitive mobile devices in offices where vulnerable data is circulated, part of securing your IT networks means scrutinizing smartphones and tablets. Consequently, encrypting all approved mobile devices and providing the mobile devices can save your company from a catastrophic security breach.

6. Developing Security Partnerships
Partnering with third parties and vendors who work to build committed IT network security safeguards uniquely tailored to your needs is essential. When looking for partners find one with a reputation for handling information security and ongoing support to businesses within your industry.