Data is growing at never-before-seen speeds, and data management must increase at the same rate.
The first realization is that data is a digital asset that is as vital as, if not more important than, your network or telephone system and requires the same rigor to manage and secure.
Small business entrepreneurs have so many duties that they frequently overlook data management. Here are five data management blunders to avoid.
Not Putting in Place a Data Governance Structure
It is a mistake not to designate a data officer or, at the very least, to establish a governing body in the organization. Instead, the IT framework should define:
- Data classification
- Data life
- Data-in-transit
- Access controls and rules
- Backup and recovery
Data has life; it is born and eventually dies – managing the data life cycle is vital.
Failure to Comprehend Data Design and Architecture
It is a recipe for catastrophe to lack clear regulations regarding how and where data is stored.
Many businesses are blissfully oblivious of data copies:
- How often is data copied into a spreadsheet
- Used a few times and then forgotten
- Was that spreadsheet with all of your personal information discarded
Did you realize that an email attachment duplicates the original document? When you submit that spreadsheet to a coworker, you are making a duplicate.
Inability to Control Data Quality
Users are frequently dissatisfied with the data provided and will, in many situations, create their data and store copies of that data on their local devices or other storage.
This data is hidden from the governing structure and policies. Disregarding users who complain about the quality of information they receive, it is a mistake to enable users to continue working with their datasets without knowing the risk and, worse, the compliance breach.
Ignoring Information Silos
Consider departments in a corporation siloed, each with its own set of goals, metrics, etc. Each department may have its perspective on, say, the client. Each department may require different information on the customer – but what if that information differs – even subtly?
It is a mistake not to put up the effort to assure data synchronization, accuracy, and time relevance across departments.
Concentrating Solely on Compliance
Companies that aim to attain legislative IT data governance to meet the needs of stakeholders and regulators are almost certain to adopt shortcuts. This approach will lead the organization to IT to meet the governance requirements in most circumstances. Everyone in the company, from the CEO to the technician in the server room, will benefit.
The error is that data management is not driven from the top-down and does not involve the entire business.
Boiling the Ocean
Data management can be intimidating and even perplexing at times. So, while breaking down data management into deliverables is critical, it is even more crucial to avoid attempting to handle all of the company’s data management challenges at once. As a result, the biggest mistake is failing to recognize that data management is a continuous effort.
Are you looking for a solution to manage your corporate data? Then, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! Along with our networking partners, we will provide you with the best available solutions that are tailored to your company’s specific requirements.